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B-180-AR: Student Accommodation
- B-180, Student Accommodation
- Education Act Sections: 3(1), 4, 7(2,3), 11, 59
- C-130, Student Transportation
- A student residing in the attendance area of a school is to be accommodated at that school if the student and/or parent/guardian so chooses, except where the superintendent or designate has directed a student to attend a particular school, outside of the attendance area in which the student resides, in order to ensure that the student is provided with a suitable education program.
- On an annual basis, the superintendent or designate will determine by February 15 for the following year which schools will have open, restricted or closed attendance boundaries. In determining this utilization, the superintendent or designate will take into consideration, but not limited to, the provincial utilization report for the previous school year, student enrollment projections, instructional spaces, washroom counts, traffic congestion.
ECS – Grade 9 Schools
- An ECS to Grade 9 school is to be designated as having restricted attendance boundaries for the upcoming school year when the superintendent or designate indicates the school is so full that enrollment must be restricted to ensure space for any new residents who may move within the boundaries prior to September 30. A number of factors will be considered as indicated in #2, typically 90-95% capacity will be considered restricted. However, a principal, in consultation with the superintendent or designate, can continue to take students providing he/she feels the school can accommodate the student.
- An ECS to Grade 9 school is to be designated as having closed attendance boundaries for the upcoming school year:
- when the superintendent or designate decides the school is experiencing a strain on the infrastructure (i.e. washrooms, instructional spaces, etc.). This typically occurs around 95% of capacity; and
- when it is a multi-track school and the school is operating at 90% or more of capacity, and the school is experiencing a strain on infrastructure (i.e. washrooms, instructional spaces etc.) a principal with the agreement of the Superintendent or designate may deem one track or program to be closed.
- proof of residency is required, upon request, by school administration. Residency is defined in section 4 and section 59 of the Education Act.
High Schools
- A high school is to be designated as having closed attendance boundaries for the upcoming school year when it is operating at 100% or more of capacity. However, in instances of single course enrollment, a principal can continue to enroll students at his/her discretion after obtaining the approval of the superintendent or designate.
Out-of-Attendance Areas
- All schools, kindergarten to grade 12, are to accommodate out-of-attendance area resident students who request to attend the school except as follows:
- if there is inadequate space or resources to accommodate the student;
- when the student has been directed to a particular school in order to ensure that the student is provided with a suitable education program; an
- after the start of the school year as per the Education Act.
- Out-of-attendance area students already attending a school with closed or restricted attendance boundaries are permitted to continue to attend that school until the last grade offered in that school is completed unless directed to another school by the superintendent or designate.
- the sibling of a student who is attending a school that has closed or restricted attendance boundaries is permitted to attend the same school, unless directed to attend a different school to ensure that a suitable education program is provided.
- Non-resident students will be accepted if the school is deemed to have open attendance boundaries and the principal feels he/she has the resources and space to accommodate the student(s) in planned classes.
- In exceptional circumstances, the superintendent or designate may choose to utilize discretion in allowing a student to attend a school with closed or restricted attendance boundaries based on such considerations as:
- there is room in the program;
- the likelihood of meeting the long-term programming needs of the student; and
- there is sufficient funding to provide programming for the student.
- Notwithstanding all the above criteria, the superintendent or designate can further close and restrict a program or school due to overcrowding such that NO new students will be accepted.