Walking Together is our division's ongoing commitment to deepen our understanding about Indigenous topics.
Walking Together is our division's commitment to engage with the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. Our efforts include engagement with community, partnerships, professional learning, and experiential learning (including land-based learning) which serve to deepen our understanding of Indigenous peoples, cultures, histories and worldviews. An essential part of our work is confronting and challenging the colonizing practices that have influenced education in the past, and which are still present today.
St. Albert Public Schools has been working with Dr. Dustin Louie from UBC to strengthen our staff development around Indigenous Education. Dr. Louie works with a group of lead staff on a monthly basis and is guiding us in increasing our understanding of decolonization, indigenization and reconciliation. In the 2022-2023 school year, Dr. Louie will expand his work to include school and division leaders.