Respect for Staff

Please treat our staff with respect

We love to hear from the families, and we thank the many families who engage with, support and collaborate with us to make St. Albert Public Schools a great place to learn and work.

We have, however, been noticing an increase in communication from parents to our staff members that crosses the line between respectful conversations about concerns, to abusive, bullying and inappropriate behaviour, to the point where we have had to obtain legal/RCMP assistance in some cases.

We continue to encourage families to reach out to us with any concerns they may have regarding their child’s education and wellbeing, but please be advised we will not respond to phone calls, emails or other messages that contain:

  • offensive or abusive language;
  • comments that promote bigotry, prejudice, intolerance, discrimination or hate directed at a person or a group of people;
  • threats; or
  • defamatory or unwarranted accusations.

This includes messages directed to staff in our schools and in our division office, as well as contracted services like our bus drivers. Threats have been, and will continue to be, reported to the RCMP. 

Collectively, we need to work together to focus on what truly matters – the education and safety of all children entrusted to our care. Respectful conversation will help us achieve this.