Policy Manual

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D-120-AR: Administrative Staff Appointments and Transfers


  1. Intent
    1. The intent of the following procedures is to have a fair, respectful and transparent process for the selection of administrative staff.
  2. 2.1. “Acting for” designation

    2.1.1. Given to an individual who assumes an administrative position on a temporary basis and replaces an administrator for an extended period of time.
    2.1.2. Individuals may be assigned this designation by the superintendent for a period of time not to exceed one year. If the position continues longer than one year, then the position may be advertised and a competition held to appoint a replacement under an acting designation.
    2.1.3. If an administrator is to be absent from duty for longer than one year, then the “acting for” designation may be assigned to the next new appointee in the division having the same position title. 
    2.1.4. Individual circumstances and division obligations may require continuation of the “acting for” designation beyond one year.

    2.2. “Acting” designation

    2.2.1. Given to an individual in the probationary period of an administrative appointment.
    2.2.2. Upon completion of two (2) years as an “acting” designation, the superintendent will either grant a three (3)
    year term contract or return the individual to the designation they held prior to the appointment. Upon completion of the five (5) years noted above, the superintendent will grant a continuous contract or return the individual to the designation they held prior to the appointment.
    2.2.3. A teacher who is designated as an acting principal must hold a leadership certificate prescribed by the regulations and issued under the Education Act.

    3. Procedures for the Selection of the Deputy Superintendent, Associate Superintendent Finance and other Associate Superintendents.
    3.1. If and when a position is declared vacant, a role and responsibility statement for the position will be developed by the superintendent. 
    3.2. The position is advertised to internal and external candidates unless the superintendent, after consulting with the board, decides to hold an internal competition only.
    3.3. A two part interview process is initiated:
    3.3.1. Part I:  Division Staff Interview An interview committee of up to six staff members, including the superintendent will interview the short-listed candidates and recommend approximately three candidates for further consideration by the superintendent based upon their interview performance and reference checks and, where applicable, a written
    assignment. The superintendent will act as a facilitator and observer, but will not participate in the ranking of
    candidates. Based upon the interview committee’s recommendations, reference checks and, where applicable, written assignments, the superintendent will recommend a final short-list of candidates.

    3.3.2. Part II:  Trustees and Superintendent Interview The final short-list of candidates will be interviewed and ranked by each trustee and the superintendent. Other senior division staff may be present for the final interviews and may comment on their observations of the candidates.
    3.4. The superintendent makes the selection decision.
    4. Procedures for the Selection of Central Office Administrative Staff.
    4.1. A role and responsibility statement for the position is defined by the supervisor and reviewed by the superintendent or designate.
    4.2. The superintendent, in consultation with the supervisor, will determine whether the position is to be advertised internally or both internally and externally.
    4.3. The superintendent, or designate, in consultation with the position’s supervisor, will identify a short-list of candidates. 
    4.4. An interview committee of up to six division staff members will interview short-listed candidates and review pertinent information related to the suitability of candidates.  The interview committee will include, as part of its composition, the supervisor for the position. 
    The superintendent, or designate, will act as an observer for the interview process.
    4.5. The superintendent or designate will review the written submissions of the short-listed candidates, their reference checks, and the findings of the committee and determine who will fill the position.
    4.6. The Board of Trustees will be informed of the superintendent’s decision prior to informing the candidates and the stakeholders in the division.

    5. Procedures for the Selection of School-Based Principals
    5.1. Upon identification of vacant positions, the superintendent will contact principals and, where applicable, administrators in similar positions and inquire as to their interest in transferring.  Transfers are made in accordance with Board Policy D-120, Administrative Staff Appointments and Transfers and the accompanying administration regulations.
    5.2. The superintendent, in consultation with the deputy superintendent and HR, will consider transferring other administrators based upon:
    5.2.1. their apparent knowledge, skills, attributes and leadership potential; and
    5.2.2. the division’s perceived needs of the school at that point in time. The superintendent and deputy superintendent may choose to carry out reference checks and meetings with the individual being considered for a transfer.

    5.3. If the position is not filled via the transfer process, the superintendent will decide whether the competition will be advertised internally or externally and internally.
    5.4. The superintendent, or designate, will consult with the staff and school council of the school(s) that have the advertised position(s) and request criteria they might identify as being necessary for an effective school leadership team. 
    5.5. The superintendent, in consultation with the deputy superintendent and HR, will screen the applications to form a short-list of approximately four candidates per advertised position.  If the pool of candidates does not meet division needs, as determined by the superintendent, the position maybe open to external applicants.
    5.6. An interview committee will be formed and composed of the following members
    5.6.1. a teacher assigned to a school other than the school with the vacant position;
    5.6.2. a teacher with a leadership certificate, assigned to a school other than the school with the vacant position;
    5.6.3. a principal assigned to a school other than the school with the vacant position;

    5.6.4. the deputy superintendent, or designate; 
    5.6.5. a central services administrative staff member, or designate; 
    5.6.6. the superintendent, who will act as a facilitator and observer, but who will not participate in the ranking of

    5.7. The interview committee will interview short-listed candidates and may review applicants’ written submissions, reference checks and criteria from the staff and school council of the receiving school.
    5.8. The superintendent, and/or designate, will review the recommendation of the interview committee and obtain further information on the candidates, if necessary.
    5.9. The superintendent will select the successful candidate to fill the position.
    5.10. The Board of Trustees will be informed of the superintendent’s decision.

    6. Procedures for the Selection of School-Based Assistant Principals
    6.1. The superintendent will contact assistant principals and inquire as to their interest in transferring.  Assistant principals who show an interest in being transferred will be considered for similar positions. 
    Transfers are made in accordance with Board Policy D-120, Administrative Staff Appointments and Transfers and the accompanying administration regulations.
    6.2. The superintendent, in consultation with senior administration and the principal of the receiving school, will consider transferring other administrators based upon:
    6.2.1. their apparent knowledge, skills, attributes, and leadership potential; and
    6.2.2. the division’s perceived needs at the school at that point in time. The superintendent and senior administration may choose to carry out reference checks and meetings with the individual being considered for a transfer.
    6.2.3. being a member of the ATA in good standing.

    6.3. If the position is not filled via the transfer process, the superintendent will decide whether the competition will be advertised internally or externally and internally.
    6.4. The superintendent, in consultation with the senior administration and the principal of the receiving school, will screen the applications to form a short-list of approximately four candidates per advertised position.  If the internal pool of candidates does not meet division needs, as determined by the superintendent, the position may be open to external applicants.
    6.5. An interview committee will be formed and composed of the following members:
    6.5.1. an assistant principal, or other certificated staff member, from a school other than that having the vacant position;
    6.5.2. a teacher from a school other than that having the vacant position;
    6.5.3. the principal from the school having the vacant position; 
    6.5.4. the associate superintendent, or designate; and
    6.5.5. a central services administrative staff member, or designate.
    6.5.6. The superintendent will act as a facilitator and observer, but will not participate in the ranking of candidates.

    6.6. The interview committee will interview short-listed candidates and review applicants’ written submissions, reference checks and stakeholder criteria as presented by the principal.
    6.7. The superintendent, and/or designate, will review the recommendation of the interview committee and obtain further information on the candidates, if necessary.
    6.8. The superintendent will select the successful candidate to fill the position.
    6.9. A teacher who is designated as a principal must hold a leadership certificate prescribed by the regulations and issued under the Education Act and be a member of the ATA in good standing.
    6.10. The Board of Trustees will be informed of the superintendent’s decision.

    7. Procedures for the Selection of School-Based Department Heads and Curriculum Coordinators
    7.1. Prior to the selection of the school-based department heads, human resources, in consultation with the principal, of the school, will advertise all vacant positions to all certificated staff members in the school.  Applicants will be screened based upon criteria and role descriptions set prior to the advertising of vacant positions.
    7.2. Prior to the selection of the curriculum coordinators, human resources, in consultation with the program area, will advertise all vacant positions to all certificated staff members in the division.  Applicants will be screened based upon criteria and role descriptions set prior to the advertising of vacant positions.
    7.3. The principal will ensure a fair, respectful and transparent process be established to identify the candidate most suited for the position.
    7.4. Human resources, in consultation with the principal of the receiving school, will select the successful applicant for the position.