Policy Manual

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D-120-BR: Administrative Staff Appointments and Transfers


  1. The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for the selection of the superintendent.
  2. If and when a position is declared vacant, the board will be involved in the selection of the deputy and associate superintendents.
    2.1. When vacancies are declared open, they will be posted and a short list of candidates will be identified by the superintendent. All applications are available for review by the board.  
    2.2. The superintendent will develop a two-step interview process that will have trustees join the superintendent in the final part of the interview process.
    2.3. The superintendent will make the final decision with input from the board.

3. Members of the division administrative staff are responsible to the superintendent for the effective performance of their duties. Accordingly, the superintendent is authorized to establish a selection procedure, to
make administrative appointments, and to determine continuous designations.
4. Administrative staff transfers may be initiated by the superintendent transfer request by division administrative staff. 

4.1. An administrator wishing to appeal a transfer must inform the superintendent, in writing within seven days of receiving a transfer directive, indicating concerns with the proposed transfer and a request to have a hearing before the board.
4.2. After receiving a transfer appeal letter, the superintendent is to indicate to the affected administrator, in writing within 14 days, the procedure that will be followed in hearing the appeal.