D-620-AR: Staff Development
- Staff development should emerge from the needs of the organization, the school/site, or the individual. The delivery of staff development is a shared responsibility of the individual staff member, the school, the division, Alberta Education and employee organizations.
- The division supports quality staff development that:
2.1 reflects the requirements of adult learners;
2.2 focuses on improved staff practice, including teaching and learning conditions;
2. 3 is based partly on participant-identified needs (growth plans) and follows a coordinated plan which guides staff development; and
2. 4 acknowledges staff responsibility for their own learning throughout their career.
3. Coordinated staff development includes:
3. 1 Individual staff development: staff growth experiences which support personally-identified learning needs which are included as part of the individual growth plans submitted to site-based administrators in accordance with policies D-200, Support Staff Growth, Supervision and Evaluation and D-100, Certificated Staff Growth, Supervision and Evaluation. Every staff member has the responsibility for their own growth and development.
3. 2 Site-based staff development: a set of collective experiences involving individuals in the context in which they work. While the main focus is on the achievement of site goals, individual growth is also an important intention.
3.2.1 The staff development activities developed and implemented at the school shall be under the general supervision of the principal or designate.
3.2.2 The staff development activities developed and implemented at other sites shall be under the general supervision of the manager/coordinator.
3.2.3 Schools are encouraged to form a site-based staff development committee to assist the principal in planning and implementing site-based staff development.
3.3 Division level staff development: universal growth experiences thought to be of benefit to employees, in fulfilling the division’s mission and vision. These learning activities may originate from a variety of sources such as:
3.3.1 individual requests
3.3.2 site requests
3.3.3 administrator requests
3.3.4 superintendent requests.
Staff development activities, developed and implemented at the division level, shall be administered under the general supervision of the superintendent or designate.
3.4 Curricular inservicing: a set of activities, experiences and processes that prepare staff to successfully implement a program or curriculum. Inservice provides opportunities to acquire knowledge and improve teaching and learning in regard to curriculum.