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D-640-AR: Extended Leaves
- A leave of absence from a position in the division can have a beneficial impact on future job performance and satisfaction. The division supports extended leaves of absence for the purposes of personal and professional growth and development, secondment, and exchange programs.
- The superintendent or designate, may grant extended leaves for the purposes of personal and professional growth and development, secondment, and exchange programs.
- Extended leaves are for a period of one year; however, at the discretion of the superintendent or designate, and at the request of the staff member, such leaves may be extended to a maximum of two years.
- Notwithstanding the above, in extraordinary circumstances, only secondments that are requested beyond the two year period may be considered by the superintendent or designate, on an individual basis, provided that:
- the extension is required to complete the project or task;
- the extension is desired by the division; and
- the secondment does not exceed four consecutive years in total.
- Under extenuating circumstances, the superintendent or designate may grant an extended leave for purposes beyond those specifically outlined in the policy statement.
- An extended leave will:
- have no detrimental effect on the provision of programs and services to students; and
- be at no cost to the division.
- To be considered for an extended leave an employee must have permanent status and have been an employee of the division for at least three years.
- Subject to regulations governing employee benefit plans, the staff member may retain coverage under the plan during the leave.
- Subject to the application of the Certificated Staff Reduction Policy:
- Teachers returning from extended leaves are not guaranteed a return to their previous assignment.
- Administrators with continuous designations returning from extended leaves after one year will retain their designation; however, they are not guaranteed a return to their previous assignment.
- Administrators requesting extended leaves beyond one year must be prepared to relinquish their designation. An administrator returning after more than one year’s extended leave is assured of a teaching position.
- Subject to the lay-off provisions of the collective agreement, a non-certificated staff member returning from extended leave is assured a position in the same classification from which the leave was granted.
- Employees requesting extended leave for the upcoming school year must make a request in writing to the superintendent or designate on or before March 31 of the current school year.
- Employees currently on leave shall notify the superintendent or designate in writing of their intent to return from an extended leave or to request a further extended leave for the upcoming year on or before March 31 of the current school year.