Policy Manual

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E-120-AR: Selection of Teaching and Learning Resources


  • E-120
  • E-120-AP
  • B-150 Appeals
  • C-640 Purchasing
  • Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Teaching and learning resources are any person(s) and/or material(s) that provide students with access to information that support the delivery of provincial curricula, locally developed courses, and/or the Ministerial Order on Student Learning (#028/2020). 

Learning resources are resources that are specifically designed for student use.

Teaching resources are resources that are specifically designed for teacher use.

1. Teachers/other staff are to select and use learning resources in accordance with the following selection criteria. Learning resources are to:

1.1. support and be consistent with the expected learner outcomes in authorized provincial curricula;
1.2. be appropriate for the age, growth, social and emotional development, learning needs and needs of the students for whom the resources are selected;
1.3. provide a balanced view on controversial issues;
1.4. be suitable in fostering representation and respect with regard to ethnicity or culture; religious belief or non-belief; gender, gender identity, or gender expression; sexual orientation; family structure; physical ability; cognitive ability; mental health; social or economic factors; political or regional perspectives;
1.5. be accurate and respectfully include ways of knowing and diverse perspectives, in historical and contemporary contexts, of First Nations, Métis and Inuit cultures;
1.6. follow Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) and other privacy considerations for digital resources that access student information;
1.7. be accurate and respectfully include of the diverse perspectives, in historical and contemporary contexts, of Francophones living in Alberta, Canada and the world;
1.8. be accessible and support equitable and inclusive learning environments; and

1.9. be consistent with Administration Regulation C-640, Purchasing.

2. Staff may use provincially authorized resources and/or division-developed resources. Staff are not limited solely to the use of provincially authorized resources and/or division-developed resources.
3. Principals shall ensure all digital teaching and/or learning resources are accessible through a variety of devices and/or operating systems.
4. The principal is to ensure that staff is familiar with the selection criteria.
5. The principal is responsible for ensuring that all learning resources used in the school are in keeping with the criteria for resource selection.