G-130-BR: Campaigning at Division Sites
- G-130, Campaigning at Division Sites
- Reciprocal Use Agreement
- Schools may organize all-candidate forums for educational purposes.
- Staff must remain neutral while teaching lessons and refrain from the opportunity to sway students towards a candidate in any elections.
- Campaign materials representative of all parties may be used as classroom teaching aids. Support for an individual candidate or political party through endorsement or by singling out of a candidate must be avoided.
- School space may be rented after school hours by a candidate or party on a commercial use basis, provided that any campaign materials posted and/or distributed at such a function are removed from school premises at the end of the function.
4.1 Use of school property is governed through the Reciprocal Use Agreement or by a divion office arranged rental agreement.
5. Notices regarding school board elections may be posted as authorized by the superintendent or designate.
6. A candidate is considered to be an individual who has officially filed their nomination papers or has stated an intention to run for political office.
7. School events are not to be used as political platforms. Speakers should be chosen by relevance to the event and audience.
7. 1 Individual speakers may be invited to address a class, as long as all candidates have been provided the same opportunity.