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G-610-AR: Advertising by External Organizations
- C-610-AR
- G-110
- Advertising in the division by external organizations must serve a useful purpose for the division; for example, providing information on local services for students and families, or generating additional revenue for division or school level initiatives and programs.
- Advertising must occur only when the advertising is consistent with the division’s beliefs, mandate and mission, is in the best interests of students, and is compatible with community values.
- Advertisements of products or services in the division are subject to the following considerations:
- All advertising is approved by the site administrator. At a school, the principal is to consider the age and best interests of students in determining if the products or services are appropriate to be advertised in a school setting;
- Fees for advertisements may be charged at the administrator’s discretion; and
- The administrator determines the quantity and location of advertisements, as well as the length of time they are in place.