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G-620-AR: Charitable Donations and Fundraising Projects
- Income Tax Act
- C-610-AR Advertising by External Organizations
The division is a registered Canadian charitable organization as defined in the Income Tax Act. This permits the acceptance of donations and gifts-in-kind for which a charitable donation receipt can be issued. Such donations and gifts-in-kind shall be for the advancement of education including, but not limited to:
- the establishment and/or enhancement of scholarships;
- the giving of special prizes, or awards to division students;
- equipment, games, or extra-curricular activities for division students.
- A charitable donation is a voluntary transfer of funds or goods made without expectation of return.
- The following types of payments cannot be considered as donations eligible for a charitable donation receipt:
- payment for which any right, privilege, benefit or advantage may accrue to the donor or to any person specified by the donor.
- payment for tuition fees or to purchase the services of staff, tutors, or similar persons.
- payment to purchase books or other instructional materials that are normally paid for by way of a fee.
- payment for rentals of books, equipment or musical instruments that are normally paid for by way of a fee.
- where amounts cannot be identified as having been made by a particular donor.
- donations of services.
- amounts paid for tickets for parties, social functions, graduations, field trips, or other similar activities.
- amounts paid to the division directly from AGLC.
- amounts received where in return the donor will receive significant advertising exposure such as the right to issue promotional materials.
- The following are the requirements for issuing a charitable donation receipt.
- Donations must be for the advancement of education.
- Donations must be $25.00 or more.
- Donations must be used within the division.
- Proposed donations or fund raising projects must be submitted to the principal for approval before any commitment is made to proceed. The following information should be included in the submission:
- proposed purpose(s) of funds;
- donor's name, address, and postal code, or for business donations, the name of the contact person;
- in the case of fund raising projects, a description of the nature of the fund raising project, including anticipated gross amount of money to be raised, date of project, and project supervisor; and
- a secondary use for donations if the fundraising goal is exceeded.
- The principal shall forward a copy of the above documentation along with their agreement with the proposed use of the donation and instructions for disbursal of funds to the secretary-treasurer.
- The secretary-treasurer shall determine the tax-deductible status and advise the principal in writing.
- The principal shall provide written approval of the agreed amount and conditions of the donation or fund raising project to the fund raising supervisor or potential donor.
- All approved donations received will be forwarded to division office where:
- a receipt will be issued and the donation recorded;
- a letter of appreciation and a charitable donation receipt in the form prescribed by Revenue Canada will be issued by the secretary-treasurer; and
- the funds will be disbursed as directed by the approval documentation.
- The only person(s) authorized to issue and sign a charitable donation receipt will be the officers of the board as designated on the annual return filed with Revenue Canada (secretary-treasurer or superintendent of schools).
- Any donations or fund raising project may be refused if it is not in the best interests of the education system or is not of a charitable nature.
- In the case of donations being received without specific instructions for their use, the superintendent of schools shall decide upon the use of such funds.