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Facts about our division

Our division is growing!

Here are facts about our division for the current (2024-25) school year.

  • 616 kindergarten students registered for the 2024-25 school year - the fourth highest in our division's history.
  • Student enrolment has increased 3% and our division now serve more than 9,800 students.
  • Enrolment is up 41% since 2012.
  • Every cohort grew in size as they moved forward a grade.
  • Over 2,700 students are in 112 non-permanent classrooms (46 are old portables and 66 are new modulars).
  • Our jurisdiction is working with the provincial government to plan facilities for the rapid growth of high school students that is imminent.
  • The budget for 2024-25 is $113.9 million.
  • We are one of the largest employers in the City of St. Albert, employing over 900 people.
  Kindergarten Enrollment Student Enrollment
2012-13 486 6788
2013-14 495 7129
2014-15 598 7566
2015-16 548 7807
2016-17 571 8039
2017-18 603 8307
2018-19 596 8579
2019-20 612 8803
2020-21 608 8737
2021-22 625 8865
2022-23 624 9118
2023-24 657 9550
2024-25 616 9808