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No more early dismissal Wednesdays for K-9!

Families may have noticed one significant change to the calendars for the 2024-25 school year. Across the division, schools will no longer have early dismissal on the first Wednesday of every month for staff meetings for K-9 students. Instead, professional development days will be combined with staff meetings, resulting in a full day off for students each month. 

Why was this change made?

  • This schedule allows for better continuity of learning for students, with more full days of instruction.
  • It will help decrease student absenteeism, as it allows a full day for families to schedule appointments, vacations etc.
  • It provides families with a long weekend every month.
  • It will help families with childcare arrangements.
  • It will be a more effective and productive use time for staff as their attention is not divided between providing instruction and PD/meeting times.
  • Kindergarten students will be on a more similar schedule to their older siblings.
  • More concentrated time for staff learning. 

Please note that high schools will continue early dismissal Wednesdays. 

If you haven’t already viewed the calendars, we encourage you to do so. If you have questions, please contact our Human Resources department at 780.460.3712.