Paul Kane Redevelopment
Demolition of old Paul Kane school building
- February 1, 2023: Turnover of the old PKHS
- February 2023: Demolition begins
- March 2023: Abatement of any hazardous materials is scheduled to be completed
- July 2023: Removal of the old PKHS is to be complete
- August 31, 2023: Deep servicing work, site work and asphalt work to be completed
- September 7, 2023: Deficiencies to be completed
- September 2023: Demolition expected to be completed
How will hazardous materials be handled and removed?
The safety of community members, students and school staff is paramount. This demolition project is managed by the Government of Alberta, who has highly-qualified hazardous materials specialists ensuring hazardous material containment and removal is completed as per strict provincial safety requirements. Any required hazardous material abatement is 100% complete and confirmed prior to the building being demolished.
How will the old school be dismantled?
The building will be responsibly decommissioned and systematically taken down. Excavators will be used to demolish the structure and load trucks. Materials will be hauled off site by trucks for disposal from April through June.
Will there be noise and dust?
Any noise will be confined to City of St. Albert bylaw hours. Dust containment strategies are utilized during demolition.
What happens after the old building is gone?
There will be a small landscaped green space in front of the new school. A bus and drop-off loop and a parking lot will be created.
Additional parking spaces for students
We have increased the number of parking stalls to over 400: Far in excess of the municipal requirements.
Source: St. Albert Public Schools, Alberta Infrastructure, WGP, Aman Builders Inc
February 2023